Canva for Education
- Accessing Your Canva for Education Account
- Adding Canva Content to Your Schoology Course
- Canva Keyboard Shortcuts - Educators
- Canva Magic Studio - AI Creation for Teachers
- Canva Magic Studio - Prompts for AI Generated Materials
- Canva - Schoology Integration
- Create a Template Link to Share with Students or Other Educators in the District
- Creating a Video Presentation in Canva - Educators
- Creating Videos with Canva
- Editing PDFs in Canva
- Embedding a Canva Resource into a Schoology Page
- Importing and Exporting Files in Canva
- Make a Copy of a Project
- Rename a Project
- Save Canva Designs Directly to Your OneDrive Account
- Sharing a Canva Design for Others to View (Educators, Students, and Parents)
- Using the District Brand Kit in Canva to Access District Logos, Color Palette, and Font