Canva - Schoology Integration

Using Canva on Schoology (for teachers)

This page will provide you with various tutorials on designing with Canva, as well as creating Canva templates and assignments to use in your Schoology Course. Visit this link to see how to use your new Canva account:

Access Your Canva for Education account

When you need to use your Canva account to create materials or to complete Schoology assignments, you will need to start by logging into Canva first to ensure you connect to your Canva account.

1. Log into Schoology and click into one of your Courses.    

2. Click on 'Canva for Education' from the left side bar.    

3. Click 'Continue with Microsoft'.

It should auto log you in. If it prompts you to log in, use your Microsoft 365 username (username with and your normal password. Once logged in, you can design projects in Canva.

***Students (in grades 3+) will need to create their accounts as well, following these steps. Due to the Dee Freeze on the school devices that students use, each time they want to use Canva, they will need to log into Canva through and then they can click on Canva from the left side bar or click on a Canva assignment that you created in Schoology.

Creating Designs on Canva

Watch the tutorials below to learn more about how to find templates and create designs using Canva.

Search and Edit: Canva Design Skills

Click this link to learn more about how to use the design features in Canva:

Uploading and Editing Media (pictures, clip art, videos, audio)

Click this link to learn more about how you can upload media into your Canva design:

Editing Photos

Click this link to learn more about how you can edit your photos in Canva:

Recording Yourself in Canva

Click this link to learn more about how you can record yourself in Canva to use in your design:

Adding and Styling Text

Click this link to learn more about how you can add and style text in your Canva design:

Adding Animation

Click this link to learn more about how you can add animation to your Canva design:

Collaborating With Others in Canva

Click this link to watch a short video on how to collaborate on group projects in Canva

Designing Buttons, Course Cards, or Profile Photos for Schoology

Create buttons, course cards, or profile photos and add them to your Schoology account to liven it up.

  1. Log into your Schoology account and select a Course.
  2. Click on Canva for Education from the side navigation to open Canva.
  3. Search for "Schoology" and select a design you like.
  4. After finishing your design, click on Download. You can download the design as a JPG or PNG file.
  5. To add buttons on assignments or other course materials: Click on the Insert Content icon, select Image/Media, and upload the file you downloaded.
  6. To change course cards: Hover your cursor over the default course card, click on Edit Picture, select Attach File, and upload the file you downloaded.
  7. To change profile photos: Go to Your Profile, hover your cursor over your current photo, click on Edit Picture, select Attach File, and upload the file you downloaded.

Creating Schoology Canva Assignments for Students (for Grades 3+)

Let students create and design their assignments using Canva.

  1. Log into your Schoology account.
  2. Go to the Courses tab and select the course where you want to create an assignment for.
  3. Click on Add Materials and select Add Assignment.
  4. Add assignment details (e.g. title, instructions, due date, etc.).
  5. Click on the Insert Content icon and select Canva for Education.
  6. Select the design you’ve already created or create a new one. If you created a new design, make sure to press Publish to Schoology once done.
  7. Click on Create to finish setting up the assignment. Students will see the assignment in their Schoology account.

Click this link to watch a short video on how to create a Canva assignment in Schoology:

Reviewing Student Assignments

After students submit their assignments, you can check and grade them on Schoology.

  1. From your Schoology account, go to the Course with the assignment you need to review.
  2. Go to Assignments and open Student submissions.
  3. Click on a student’s submission to see their Canva design. If the design link is provided, you can click on it to view.
  4. Grade and add comments to the student assignment.

*Please click this link for several more Canva tutorial videos on teaching with Canva:

Teach with Canva – Design School

These videos include tutorials on:

*Creating Storyboards and Story Book Activities

*Creating Comic Strip Activities

*Supporting Social Emotional Learning

*Creating Class Schedules and Agendas

*Designing Report Activities

*Creating Infographics

*Designing Graphic Organizers

and much more!