Creating Assignments

Teachers can create assignments in Schoology where students can choose to upload a file, type into a blank document, or upload a Google Drive or OneDrive file to. To create an assignment in Schoology, please follow these steps:

Creating Schoology Assignments

1. Click into a Schoology Course.
2. While in the Materials tab, click Add Materials and then select Add Assignment from the drop-down menu.

3. Add a Title AND Description for your assignment. The Description is extremely important since this will briefly describe the task to the students, as well as the parents. If the assignment is a Google Drive or OneDrive Assignment, parents will only be able to access what it listed in the Description box. This description will pass to PowerTeacher Pro if you are a syncing teacher.

4. If you want to specifically set up a Google Drive, a OneDrive, or an Annotations Assignment, click the corresponding button. If you want the students to be able to create or upload their own files, do not click these buttons.

For more information on creating a Google Drive Assignment, please click this link: SAU19 Knowledge Base - Google Schoology Integration - Creating Google Drive Assignments.
For more information on creating a OneDrive Assignment, please click this link: SAU19 Knowledge Base - OneDrive Schoology Integration - Creating OneDrive Assignments.
For more information on creating an Annotations Assignment, please click these links: 
5. If you want the assignment to ONLY be marked as collected, check the box next to Collected. If not, be sure to add a point value. Then select a Category.

6. If you are a teacher that syncs to PowerTeacher Pro, keep the Syncing set to Sync to SIS. If you DO NOT sync to PowerTeacher Pro, uncheck the Sync to SIS box.

7. Add a Due Date.

8. To Lock the ability to digitally submit an assignment on/after a specific date (which will remove it from the student's overdue list on that date), click on the lock icon and select when to lock it on. In Linked Sections, this will be located next to the Due Date. If you are not using Linked Sections, this will be located at the bottom of the assignment setup screen. Then select when you want to the assignment to lock. This is important to set up if you are not syncing grades to PowerTeacher Pro. The other option is to disable digital submissions.
9. If you are using linked sections, you can customize the Publish Status or Due Date for an assignment. Click the drop-down menu for Select Sections to Customize and click the section to customize. Then select a Due Date. If the circle is green, the assignment will be published immediately. If it is white, it will be unpublished until you publish it.

10. If students will not be submitted the assignment digitally, click on the Submissions Enabled/Disable (file box icon) to disable the assignment. This will gray out the icon. 

11. ALWAYS remember to click on the Comments Enabled/Disabled (word bubble icon) to disable the ability for students on comment on the assignment setup itself.

12. To individually assign the material, click on Individually Assign (icon with 3 dots, shaped like a triangle). Once the individually assign field box appears, type in the name of a student or grading group. Once it auto-populates, click on the correct student or Grading Group to add it. Then add any additional students or Grading Groups.
If you are using Linked Sections, there is an additional step you need to take. Please click this link and scroll to the directions regarding Linked Sections: SAU19 Knowledge Base - Individually Assigning Materials.
For more information on setting up Grading Groups, please click this link: SAU19 Knowledge Base - Adding a Grading Group to Assign Materials to Groups of Students.
13. Click Create.