Once standards have been scored, data will populate into the Standards Progress Screen. Teachers can use this data to determine which standards should be revisited, to track student growth, and as a snapshot on the overall class achievement on each standard. To view standards progress, please follow these directions:
1. Log into PowerSchool (Teacher).
2. Click on the PowerTeacher Pro on the left side bar.
3. Select the class you want to view data for in the Class Picker by clicking the drop-down menu in the top middle of the screen.
4. Click Progress from the left side bar and then select Standards.
This will bring you to a screen where you will see all the Standards for this class, the number of students meeting proficiency vs number who isn't, and number of assignments attached to each standard.
You can toggle between trimesters by clicking the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand side of your screen next to the currently selected trimester and choosing a trimester from the menu.
5. Click on the Open in New Window icon under Grade Distribution next to a standard to view more information regarding that specific standard.
This will open a new window that will display the data for all trimesters, as well as list the individual student scores for the current trimester against T1 for comparison. If you only have data for T1, then both columns will display T1 data.
Students in the red area scored a 1. Orange indicates a score of 2. Light green represents a score of 3. Dark green is a score of 4.
As you have move into later trimesters, you will see red and green arrows next to some of the scores indicating students that have increased or decreased in score compared to T1.
6. Click the X to close the Standards Progress window.
7. In the Assignments column, click the paper icon next to a standard to view a list of assignments that have been attached to that specific standard.
8. Click the X to close the Standards Progress window.