How to connect a personal device to the District WiFi:
1. Personal devices will remain connected for up to 60 days. After 60 days you will need to log back in in order to connect.
2. Staff and students are able to connect up to 3 devices. When trying to connect more than 3 devices, the oldest device will be disconnected.
3. Only students enrolled at GHS & MVMS (grades 7&8) have the ability to connect personal devices to the network.
Steps to connect your device:
1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon on your device:
2. Locate and select the WiFi network named SAU-19. and click "connect"
3. Log in using your network username & Password
4. Your device will now connect to the network.
NOTE: Some versions of Android may ask for a CA certificate. If prompted set it to "Do not validate"