Copilot for Students

Copilot for Students

Students have access to Copilot if they are not logged into a browser. Since Microsoft Edge automatically logs students into the browser, we recommend that all students use Firefox when utilizing Copilot. Copilot tool utilizes AI to produce intelligent search capabilities. It can provide information and insight, create images, and write content such as summaries, essays, speeches, study guides, and much more. To utilize the Copilot, please follow the instructions below. Please also view the attached PDF on crafting prompts.

1. Open Firefox and be sure you are not logged in (it will show 'Sign in' under the profile).

2. There are two ways to access Copilot:

a. Go to and begin your Copilot session.

b. Go to, click on the Copilot icon, and then begin your Copilot session.

Attached Files
Copilot Prompting Toolkit All Resources (1).pdf