Connect a Device to a TV Using the ClickShare App
To use the ClickShare App to connect a device to a TV, please follow these directions:
1. Open the Clickshare app by searching for it in your search bar in the lower left-hand corner and click on the app.

If it is already running on your computer, you can click on the overflow arrow in the right-hand side of the taskbar and click on the 'ClickShare App' icon (white, hollow circle).

2. Turn on the TV you are trying to connect to.
3. If you are close to a device you can connect to, if may automatically appear in the list of devices you can connect to. If not, type in the name of the device, which is displayed on the TV and then click on it from the list.

4. You will be prompted to enter a passcode. This code will be displayed on the TV. Enter the code.

5. Choose to share either a specific window by clicking on the '

' icon or to share your entire screen by click on the '

' icon.
If you are sharing a specific window, you will be prompted to choose what window you would like to share.

6. Click on the 'Circle' icon to begin sharing.

You will now be sharing to the TV. On your PC screen you will notice a red line on the right-hand side. Hovering over the red line will give your your ClickShare menu.

To Pause or Disconnect a Device from a TV Using the ClickShare App
To pause or disconnect a device sharing to a TV via the ClickShare app, please follow these directions:
1. Hover over the red line on the right-hand side of your screen.

2. When the menu appears, click the 'Pause' icon to temporarily pause what you are sharing

OR click the '
' icon to stop sharing.