Using Find and Replace to Quickly Locate or Change Text

Users can quickly locate specific words or phrases within a document and/or replace them with a different word or phrase by using the Find and replace tool. To do this, please follow these directions:

Work Desktop App
1. Open a Word document.
2. While on the Home tab, click Find to locate specific words or phrases within a document.

3. When the Navigation menu opens, type in the word or phrase you want to Find. That word or phrases will now be highlighted everywhere it appears in the document.

4. To Replace a word or phrase anywhere it appears in a document, while on the Home tab, click Replace.

5. Enter the word you want to replace in the Find what field and enter the word you want to replace it with in the Replace with field. Choose Replace All to change all occurrences of the word or phrase. Or, select Find Next until you find the one you want to update, and then choose Replace

6. To specify more specific options to search for, select More in the Find and Replace screen. Select the option you want. To specify only upper or lowercase in your search, select Match case.


Work Online App
1. Open a Word document.
2. Use the shortcut Ctrl+F.

3. When the Navigation menu opens, be sure you are on the Find tab. Type in the word or phrase you want to Find. That word or phrases will now be highlighted everywhere it appears in the document.

4. To Replace a word or phrase anywhere it appears in a document, click the Replace tab on the Navigation menu.
5. Enter the word you want to replace in the first field and enter the word you want to replace it with in the second field. Choose Replace to choose which instance(s) to replace or choose Replace All to change all occurrences of the word or phrase.