Word Desktop App
1. Click File.
2. Click on Info from the left side bar. Then click on Version History.
3. Choose a version of the document to view.
This will open the document in a new tab.
3. To save that version as a copy, click on File and then select Save As and save it as a different name. To Restore that version of the document, click on Restore. If you do not want to save or restore that version, close out of the document.
Word Online App
1. Click File.
2. Click on Info from the left side bar. Then click on Version History.
3. Choose a version of the document to view.
3. Click on Save a Copy to save a copy of that version of the document or click on Restore to restore that version of the document. If you do not want to save or restore that version, click on another version or close out of the document.