How to Cite Resources Using Google Doc's Built-in Citation Tools

Using Google Docs Built-in Citation Tools

When typing in Google Docs, you can create citations easily with the built-in citation tools. To create a citation and bibliography, please follow these instructions:

Add Citations and a Bibliography

You can add citations and a bibliography to your Google Doc with these styles:
  • MLA (8th ed.)
  • APA (7th ed.)
  • Chicago Author-Date (17th ed.)

Important: The citations tool is available in all languages, but the elements the tool generates in your document only appear in English at this time. 
For example:

  • A book title you enter in the citations tool appears in the language you entered it.
  • The “Bibliography” heading, “edited by,” and other elements generated by the citations tool appear in English regardless of your language in Google Docs.

You can translate auto-generated elements to another language after you insert them in your document.

To add citations and a bibliography:
  1. Open a document in Google Docs and click on 'Tools'.
  2. Click on 'Citations'.
  3. In the sidebar, select your formatting style from MLAAPA, or Chicago Author-Date.

Add a Citation Source and Related Details

  1. In the Citations sidebar, under your selected style, click '+ Add citation source'.
  2. Select your source type.
  3. Select how you accessed your source.
    • You can use a URL to search for websites or online newspapers, or use an ISBN number to search for books.
  4. Enter or edit any source information in the fields.
    • Recommended fields include a blue asterisk.
    • To add multiple contributors, click '+Contributor".
    • You can indicate if a contributor is an organization, such as a company.
  5. Click 'Add citation source'. 

Insert an In-text Citation

  1. In the text of your document, place your cursor where you want the citation to appear.
    • In the Citations sidebar, hover over the source you want to cite.
  2. A Cite button appears on the side of the citation source.
  3. Click 'Cite'.
    • The source appears in your selected style within the text of your document.
  4. If a “#” appears in the text of your document, delete it or replace it with the page number(s) for your citation.

Edit a Citation Source

  1. In the Citations sidebar, hover over the source you want to edit.
    • A Menu More button appears on the side of the citation source.
  2. Click Menu More and click 'Edit'. 
  3. Edit your source information in the fields.
    • Recommended fields include a blue asterisk.
  4. At the bottom of the sidebar, click 'Save source'.

Delete a Citation Source

  1. In the Citations sidebar, hover over the source you want to delete.
    • A Menu More button appears on the side of the citation source.
  2. Click 'Menu'Moreand click 'Delete'.

Insert a Bibliography

  1. In your document, place your cursor where you want the bibliography to appear.
  2. In the Citations sidebar at the bottom, click 'Insert bibliography'.
    A bibliography appears in your selected style.