Adding a Link to World Book Online Articles:
World Book Online articles are great resources to support learning. Teachers can link specific articles into their Schoology Courses by following these directions:
1. Log into your Schoology account and go into one of your Schoology Courses.
2. Click on 'World Book Online' from the left side bar.
3. Choose which World Book online product you want to use.
4. Search for a topic or article you want to link and click on it to open the article.
5. Click on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.
6. Select 'Share' from the drop-down menu and then select 'Copy Link'. If the link was copied correctly, you will receive a message saying the copying was a success.
7. Go back to your Schoology Course and click on 'Add Materials'.
8. Select 'Add File/Link/External Tool' from the drop-down menu.
9. Click on 'Link'.
10. Paste the link into the URL field, and title the article.
11. Click on the 'ABC' icon to ensure the article will display in a new window.
12. Click 'Add'.
The article will now be directly linked to your Schoology Course. When students click on the link, it will open in a new window.
You can also add it to an assignment by creating the assignment, clicking on the link icon inside of the assignment, and pasting the link there.