Teachers in our district subscribe to several different Scholastic Magazines. If you are in a class with one of these subscriptions, you will be able to access resources from within your Schoology Courses.
Before you are able to access your class subscriptions, you will need to create your Scholastic accounts. To do this, please follow these steps for EACH class that has a Scholastic magazine subscription.
To Create Your Scholastic Magazine Account:
1. Log into Schoology (https://sau19.schoology.com) and click into a Course that has an active Scholastic Magazine subscription.
2. Click on the 'Scholastic Digital Manager' button in the left side bar.
Your student account is now created, and you can access the online Scholastic materials for that class.
3. Complete these steps for each class that has an active Scholastic Magazine subscription.
Scholastic Magazine Assignments in Schoology:
Teachers may create assignments that involve students accessing Scholastic online materials. There are two ways that teachers may assign this work.
1. Teachers may ask students to go into Scholastic from the left side bar and use the search function to find a specific article to read or an activity to complete.
2. Teachers may link a specific resource into a Schoology assignment. Teachers may attach articles to read, presentations to complete, interactive worksheets, and more.
*Student accounts must be created using the steps above before they will be able to connect to this direct Scholastic link. If you have not logged in by clicking on Scholastic Digital Manager from the left side bar within the last week, then you will need to click on that button to authenticate your account first, and then you can click on the assignment or link the teacher added to your Schoology Course.