Microsoft SharePoint allows groups of people to share and collaborate on files. When SharePoint Teams sites are created, they will have a corresponding team created in the Microsoft Teams App. Both SharePoint and Teams will provide access to the same files.
To access SharePoint:
1. Go to
2. Log into your account using your normal username followed by and click 'Next'.
3. Enter your normal computer password and click 'Sign in'.
4. Once in Microsoft 365 click 'All apps' under the 'Apps' section.
5. Click on 'SharePoint'.
You will now be logged into SharePoint. Click into the SharePoint you want to access files from.
To learn more about using your SharePoint account, please click this link: SharePoint help & learning (
To view a PowerPoint presentation on OneDrive and SharePoint basics, please click this link: SharePoint and OneDrive Basics.pptx