Adding Grade Columns in the Schoology Gradebook

Teachers can add a Grade Column into the Schoology Gradebook. This will not create an assignment for students to complete but will provide a place to score students for things like participation, tests, and other items where materials do not need to be distributed. Due Dates for Grade Columns will populate on the students' calendars.

These conditions must be met in order to use a Grade Column:

Quizzes or Assessments:

  • A Due Date is added when setting up the Grade Column.
  • All materials needed to study for the quiz or assessment have been added as a Material in the Schoology Course(s) (notes, handouts, study guides, etc.).

Participation Grades:

  • Guidelines for participation have been added to the Schoology Course(s).
  • Resources for topics covered in class have been added to the Schoology Course(s).


  • A Due Date is added when setting up the Grade Column.
  • All materials needed to complete the Assignment have been added to the Schoology Course(s) (handouts, worksheets, word lists, graphic organizers, citation resources, etc.).

If you have satisfied the above requirements to add a Grade Column, then follow these instructions:

1. Within the Schoology Gradebook, click the + icon in the upper right-hand corner and select Add Grade Column. 

2. Then add a Title, Points, Category, and Due Date (linked Courses), then click Create. You can customize the Due Date for each section.

Linked Courses:

Unlinked Courses:

Now you can enter grades into this column in the Schoology Gradebook.