How to Set Up the Schoology Gradebook (Traditional Grades)

Educators will need to complete their Schoology Grade Setup prior to completing any of the configuration settings. Please follow these directions to do so:

1. Sign into Schoology and click into a Course.
2. Click on 'Grade Setup' from the left side bar.

3. Set up your categories by clicking 'Add'.
4. Type in the name of your first category in the 'Category Name' (leave the other two settings as the defaults), then click 'Create.'
Please Note: The spelling and capitalization must match exactly.
5. Repeat this to add all your other categories.
6. Once your categories are added, click the star icon next to the category you want all assignments and assessments to default to.
7. Check the following settings:
*MVMS will leave all trimesters set to 100. 
*GHS will set Semesters to 100, Quarters to 45, and Exams to 10. 
*'Round Period/Final Grades' should be checked.
*'Hide overall grade in student grade report' and 'Hide period grades in student grade report' should be checked.
8. Click 'Save Changes'.
Your Gradebook set up is now complete.