Using the Bulk Edit Screen

The Bulk Edit screen allows educators to change the Category, Due Date, or ability to Sync to SIS for multiple assignments in one place. If you have linked sections, you can edit assignments for all linked sections on this screen. Anyone who does not sync to PowerTeacher Pro should be sure to uncheck Sync to SIS for all assignments. To enter the Bulk Edit screen, please follow these directions:

1. Click the 3 dots next in the upper right-hand side of your Schoology Gradebook and select Bulk Edit from the drop-down menu. 

2. Once the Bulk Edit screen appears, make any changes you need. This may be changing the Category from Ungraded to a specific category that you have mapped to  PowerTeacher Pro, adjusting the Max pts the assignment is worth, adding a Due DateUnpublishing sections or assignments, switching the Grading Period to attach it to, or changing the ability to Sync to SIS

Please Note: If your Courses are not linked, you will not see the green/white dots next to the Due Date. Instead, it will be a checkbox listed next to the Assignment Name:

3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the Bulk Edit screen.

Please Note: The Factor should remain a 0 for ungraded assignments and a 1 for graded assignments.