Syncing From the Schoology Sync Log

Syncing From the Schoology Sync Log
1. Click on the clipboard icon in the top right-hand side of the Schoology Gradebook.
2. Click the 'Grading Period' drop-down and select the current grading period and then you can filter by status. Sync log filtering information can be located at the bottom of this article.
3. Click 'Sync All Changes' or click the 'Sync' button next to the assignments that need to be synced.
4. If any errors are displayed, hover over Review Error to see what to correct and then sync that assignment once fixed.  Any errors listed from past grading periods can be ignored. These occur because PowerTeacher Pro Gradebooks are now locked and therefore Schoology can no longer since past assignments to it. If it displays the message, “Unable to sync all grades. Some grades were successfully synced.” or “Unable to sync, please try resyncing”, delete the assignment from the Assignment List in PowerTeacher Pro and then resync the assignment from the Schoology Sync Log.

Schoology Sync Log Filtering:

To make using the Sync Log easier, Schoology has new filtering options available including filtering by:

  • Grading Period
  • Status

And sorting by:

  • Assignment Title
  • Due Date
  • Last Successful Sync