Using Filtering Options to Highlight Items in the Gradebook

Using Filters to Highlight Items Within the Schoology Gradebook for Easier Grading

Teachers can now filter to find specific items within the Schoology Gradebook to help them easy scan and locate assignments that may need grading or attention by the teacher. To use these filters, please follow these directions:

1. Go into the Schoology Gradebook for one of your Courses or Sections.
2. Click on the 'View' drop-down menu and then select the field or fields you want to highlight. 
Using the 'Show Full Titles' will allow teachers to see the entire title name without having to hover over it.

3. All assignments that apply to what fields were selected will be highlighted with a blue box around them so you can quickly glance and locate the assignments desired.
If no assignments meet the criteria selected, then you will not see anything highlighted.
4. By clicking on the 'All Materials' tab, you can minimize the number of assignments you see in the Schoology Gradebook to a specific Category.
5. By clicking the 3 dots next to an assignment title and selecting 'Set All Grades', you can set all grades to a specific amount of points at one time and then change the few students that may have received a different score. Enter the amount of points to set all student scores to and then click 'Confirm'. Click on the grade of any student that you need to adjust and then enter the new grade. Changes will automatically save. Don't forget to sync the assignment.
6. By clicking the 3 dots next to an assignment title and select an option to 'Mark Empty Cells...' and it will automatically fill that exception flag in for all empty cells for that assignment. At progress report and report card time, it will be important to mark empty cells as missing if you want student scores to have a zero for any assignment they are missing, because empty cells do not negatively impact student grades.