What to Check When Your Gradebooks Do Not Match
If you discover that your overall grades listed in Schoology don't match the overall grades listed in PowerTeacher Pro, there are some steps you can take to determine the cause.
Gradebook Set Up
1. Check that your Gradebook setup in Schoology matches the Traditional Grade Calculations setup in PowerTeacher Pro.
2. If they do, click the PowerSchool button on the left side bar of Schoology and then click the Configuration tab. Be sure that the correct Categories are mapped.
Amount and Titles of Assignment Match Exactly in Both Schoology and PowerTeacher Pro
Be sure that the number of assignments and the assignment titles in Schoology match what is listed in PowerTeacher Pro. Be sure nothing is missing or duplicated. If anything is duplicated, delete the duplicate from the PowerTeacher Pro assignment list. If anything is missing:
1. Go into the Schoology Gradebook.
2. Click on the Sync Log (clipboard icon in the top right).
3. Click the Grading Periods drop-down menu and select the current grading period and then you can filter by Status. Sync log filtering information can be located at the bottom of this article.
4. Click Sync All Changes or click the Sync button next to the assignments that need to be synced. Even though your Courses are set up to sync automatically, it is recommended to manually sync any changes made when completing your grades, so they reflect the most up-to-date grades.
Restoring Deleted Assignments in Schoology
If you discover the assignment no longer exists in Schoology, then you may have deleted it. Please follow these steps to restore it: SAU19 Knowledge Base - How to Restore Deleted Assignments in Schoology. If a student's assignment grades match exactly, but the overall grade does not, then you may have added or edited a grade but is has not synced over. Try clicking on the clipboard icon and then hit the sync button next to each individual assignment title to force everything to resync. If it still doesn't match, be sure that there are no grade overrides or manual flags that were added to PowerTeacher Pro that is preventing a grade from syncing correctly.
Matching Category Summaries/Totals
If you weight categories, another thing that can be checked is that the Category Summaries/Totals match. To check this:
1. In the Schoology Gradebook, be sure the grading period you are checking is selected.
2. In the All Materials drop-down menu, select All Category Summaries.
This will display the category totals:
3. In PowerTeacher Pro click on Grading and then click Category Totals from the menu.
This will display the category totals:
If there is a category that does not match, then the issue involves an assignment/assessment within that category.
Schoology Sync Log Errors
If you received a 'Failed' sync status, click on Review Error and a detailed error message will appear, providing information on why it did not sync. Make the necessary corrections, and then manually sync using the Sync icon next to the assignment/assessment. You can use the Bulk Edit screen to correct multiple assignments at once. If the message for the failed sync does not give a specific reason, delete that assignment from the Assignment List in PowerTeacher Pro and then resync manually from Schoology. If it displays the message, “Unable to sync all grades. Some grades were successfully synced.” or “Unable to sync, please try resyncing”, delete the assignment from the Assignment List in PowerTeacher Pro and then resync the assignment from the Schoology Sync Log.
*If you are using Category Weights, it is important to be sure that every category is used at least once, or the weights may not calculate correctly. We have found that due to the differences in the way Schoology and PowerSchool round, the Schoology grades and the PowerSchool grades may still be off by 1%. If this is the case, PowerSchool is the accurate calculation. If you have checked all the troubleshooting steps above and could not find the error, then you can sign off that the grades match.
Please note, it will not be uncommon to see the Updates Available error since this will be visible any time you make any grading changes. This will correct during your next scheduled sync. If you do click into the Bulk Edit screen, then all assignments may revert back to Updates Available. This will correct during the next scheduled sync. If it is the end of a grading period, we recommend manually syncing anything with Updates Available to be sure grades are accurately reflected.
If there are old errors that have not cleared from the Sync Log, you can click Clear Cache to remove them.
Schoology Sync Log Filtering:
To make using the Sync Log easier, Schoology has new filtering options available including filtering by:
- Grading Period
- Status
And sorting by:
- Assignment Title
- Due Date
- Last Successful Sync