Logging into Student Email Accounts (Grades 5+)

Outlook Email for Students in Grades 5+

Students in Grades 5+ can send and receives emails through Outlook in their Microsoft 365 accounts. To access your Microsoft 365 account and Outlook email, please follow these directions:
1. Go to portal.office.com or go to your school website/the district website, click the 'Students' tab and select 'Office 365 (email)'.
2. Log into your account using your normal username followed by @sau19.org and click 'Next'.
3. Enter your normal computer password and click 'Sign in'.

4. Once in Microsoft 365 you can access the Microsoft 365 products and any work created will save in your personal OneDrive account. To access email, click on the Outlook icon from the left side bar.
5. You will now be logged into your student email account where you can send and receive emails.

To watch a short tutorial video on how to access you student email account, please click this link: Accessing Student Email Accounts