Text to Speech in CB Secure Browser

After logging into CB Secure Browser, there should be an option to enable text to speech, as shown below. Select the option that makes the most sense.

Once you move on, CB Secure browser will see that you have TTS enabled, and will make sure everything works before getting to the test. Click the speaker button to test the TTS audio. You should hear a voice speaking.

Assuming you heard the voice, click the 'Works!' button to continue on with the test.

Once the test has begun, right click anywhere to bring up the TTS options, as shown below. There are a few different TTS options:
1. Speak Question - This will speak the entire question aloud, start to finish.
2. Start Speaking From Here - If you have clicked somewhere in the question and placed a cursor, this option will speak the text from the cursor onward.
3. Speak Highlighted Selection - If you use the mouse to highlight some text, the right click menu will have an option to only speak aloud the highlighted selection.