Viewing Comments Teachers Make on Assignments

Teachers can add comments on assignments submissions for students to see. Students will need to make sure their notification settings for assignment comments are turned on to receive a notification for teacher comments. You can change these settings by:

1. Clicking on your profile drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Settings.

2. Click the Notifications tab.

3. Turn on the notification for Course comments on updates, assignments, or discussions by clicking the drop-down menu to the right of it and selecting On.
4. Scroll to the bottom of that screen and click Save Changes.

To view the comments teachers have made, please follow these directions:

Viewing Comments Made Within the Submission Area
1. If your assignment notifications are turned on, you will see a red number next to the bell icon indicating you have a notification. Click on the bell icon.

2. Click on the notification stating your teacher has made a comment on an assignment. This will bring you to the assignment submission page.

3. Click on any of your submissions to view the comment.

You will now be able to view the any comments the teacher provided on your assignment.

Viewing Comments Made on the Grade on the Assignment Submission Screen
1. Click on an assignment that a teacher has graded. 

2. On the assignment submission screen, you will see a comment bubble next to the grade, hover over the comment bubble icon to view the comment a teacher has made on the grading screen. This comment will also be viewable in the PowerSchool app for students in grades 7+.

Viewing Comments Made on the Grade Screen
1. Click into a Course you want to view assignment level grades and comment for.

2. Click on Grades on the left side bar.

3. You will now be able to view the points you scored on each graded assignment for the selected Course as well as any comments teachers added to the grade.