Assigning Schoology Assignments in the Elementary View
Instructors can create Schoology assignments where students can upload, attach, and submit their work. To do this, please follow these instructions:
1. Log into Schoology and click into the Course you want to create an assignment in.
2. Click Add Materials and select Add Assignment.
3. Enter a title in the Name text box and in the Description box, explain what the students will be doing for the assignment.
4. If desired, add an image by clicking Edit Image and uploading an image file. This image is what the students will see with the assignment title in their Schoology view.
5. Then select what kind of Submission Options to provide the students for attaching content. =
All options are selected by default. Click on any option that you do want to include to deselect it.
6. Change the Category to Ungraded and uncheck both Syncing options (Automatically Publish Grades and Sync to SIS). If you want to mark is as Collected only in the Schoology Gradebook, you can check the box next to Collected.
7. If desired, add a Due Date for the assignment. This assignment will remain on the overdue list for any student who does not turn it in. It is recommended to add a date to lock the assignment by clicking the lock icon next to the Due Date. This will remove it from the overdue after that date.
8. Click the word bubble icon to disable the ability to create a public comment on the assignment and then click Create.
Your assignment has been created.
Copying a Schoology Assignment to Other Courses
If you teach multiple Courses and would like to duplicate this assignment in other Courses, then follow these instructions:
1. Click the gear icon to the right of the assignment and select Copy to Course from the drop-down menu.
2. Select the Course(s) you want to copy it to by checking the box to the left of the Course Name. Please Note: The Course you are working in will appear in the list as well. Do not select the current Course unless you want to create a second copy of the assignment in that Course as well. Then enter a Due Date for this Course and click Copy.