Sharing an Entire Course or Resources with Other Educators

Sharing an Entire Course or Resources Through Schoology Collections

Instructors can share resources, including Course through Schoology Collections. To do this, please follow these directions:

1. Log into your Schoology account.

2. Click on the ‘Resources’ tab in the navigation bar. 

3. Click on ‘My Resources’ on the left and then click on the icon that looks like a file folder box. This is the Collections icon.

4. Title the Collection and click ‘Create’.

5. Click on 'Courses' from the navigation menu. 

6. Go into the Course or resources you wish to share.

7. Click on ‘Options’ and then in the drop-down menu, click ‘Save Course to Resources’.

8. Under the ‘Collection’ drop down menu, choose the Collection name you just created and then select ‘Submit’.

9. Once the Course finishes the copying process, go back into ‘Resources’ and click on the title of your Collection under ‘My Resources’. 

10. Click on ‘Share’.

11. Choose the people you wish to share the Course or resource with, listed under the ‘Add People’ tab and then click on ‘Add People’.

12. Once it is shared with others, it will now display the word ‘Sharing’ and list the number of people it is being shared with.

13. You can also change the permissions for who you are sharing it with to ‘View Only’ or ‘Can Edit’ by clicking into the ‘Sharing’ tab. On the ‘Permissions’ tab you will see these drop-down options next to each person’s name.

14. You can also remove people you are sharing your Course or resource with by click on the 'X' to the right of their name.

Note: Any third-party (Google or OneDrive) Assignments or Annotations Assignments will only copy the directions and not the attached files (assignments that create copies for each student). Teachers who are using a shared Course will need to edit those assignments to reattached the files. Embedded third-party links or files that were not added as assignments that create a copy for each student should copy over as long as the right permissions were chosen on the files themselves.