Logging into and Utilizing Your Student Account via sau19.schoology.com
We highly recommend that students utilize their account via browser even when using a mobile device.
1. Go to sau19.schoology.com
2. Enter your normal computer username followed by @sau19.org.
3. Enter your normal password and click 'Sign in'.
4. Once logged in, you will see all of your Courses as well as important dates and assignment activity. Click into a Course to find important information and coursework.
5. To see the Groups you are a part of, click on 'Groups' in the top navigation banner and click into a Group.
6. To view events such as important school events, assignment due dates, or field trips, simply click on the Calendar icon in the upper right-hand corner . You can select which calendar to view by using the drop-down menu next to the number of calendars and checking the box next to the calendar you wish to view.
These calendars will be color coded.
7. To change your notification settings, click on the drop-down menu next to your name in the upper right-hand corner and select ‘Settings’.
8. Click on the ‘Notifications’ tab.
9. Change the settings according to your preference. Some notifications are already preset by the district.
10. When you are done accessing your Schoology account, please remember to Logout by clicking on 'Logout' for the drop-down menu that appears under your name.