Once you are logged into Schoology, you may be able to access IXL two ways.
Accessing IXL from the Left Side Bar
1. Click into one of your Schoology Courses.
2. Click the IXL Learning button on the left side bar.
Elementary View:
Secondary View:
3. Choose what you want to access in IXL and click on that Go to... button:
1. Click Go to learning.
2. A screen with multiple recommendations will load. These are populated based on the way the student answered the Diagnostic questions. They are skills at the student's specific level. Hover over a skill and click Try this to practice that skill.
3. Students should not jump around on skills or leave a skill after a few minutes. IXL is designed for students to practice skills until they reach proficiency (Smart Score of 80). If a student has worked for 20 minutes on a skill and cannot get to the Smart Score of 80, this will be documented as an area of difficulty, and they can exit that skill. They should inform their teacher that they did exit the skill due to it being difficult for them.
Assessment (Diagnostic)
1. Click Go to assessment.
2. Click Step into the Arena. One this screen, you can also review your Diagnostic scores and recommended skills. If you click the drop-down arrow for the recommended skills, you can click a skill to work on. Work on that skill until you reach a Smart Score of at least 80.
3. Spend at least 10-15 minutes answer the Diagnostic questions that appear on your screen. If you are presented with 2 questions options, click one of them to answer.
1. Click Go to analytics.
2. Your child can view their overall growth as well as analytics regarding hours spent practicing, skills progress were made in, practice history, and more.
1. Click Go to awards.
2. View your Math and Language arts awards by clicking on which awards you want to view.
3. If a student sees a star icon, they have earned an award. Click on the star and a new sticker (Language arts)/icon (Math) will be awarded.
4. Math icons can be assigned as the student's profile image. If they right-click on an image, and then click Make this my icon. They should be able to drag the icon to their profile icon in the top right as well.
Accessing IXL from Within a Course
1. Click into the Schoology Course that the teacher has assigned an IXL skill in. Teachers may have assigned the Diagnostic Assessment directly or a specific skill.
2. In the Course Materials, click on the IXL assignment the teacher has created. You will be taken to that skill in on the IXL site.
Elementary View:
Secondary View:
3. If the Diagnostic Assessment was assigned, work on the Diagnostic for at least 10-15 minutes. If the educator assigned a specific skill to work on, work on that skill until you have gotten a Smart Score of at least 80. 80 is considered proficient in the skill. You can choose to continue to work past 80. As you answer questions correctly, the skill will get increasingly harder. Once you reach 90, you will enter the challenge zone. Getting questions wrong in this zone, will result in a dramatic decrease in score. Once you reach 100, the skill is considered mastered. If you are working on math fact fluency skills such as Add 5 or subtract 10, you should work until the Smart Score is 100.