Expected Errors
Google or OneDrive Account Access Error:
Online Curriculum Buttons Asking for Additional Log Ins:
We recommend using Firefox or Microsoft Edge to access Schoology, if available. When prompted for another log in, please choose Log in with Microsoft and then use your normal username with @sau19.org and your normal password. If you have a curriculum program that does not have this option, you may need to switch browsers or change your privacy settings. Safari has documented compatibility issues with Schoology, which may prompt these additional log ins. If you have any difficulty working in Schoology, please try using another browser.
Parent Account Access Limited:
Parent accounts are designed for 'View Only' access. Parents will not be able to comment on discussions, submit or edit assignments, open Google/OneDrive assignments, or access online curriculum tools. Parents can view other course materials such as newsletters, schedules, and messages. Parents can also see their child's calendar of events including important school events and assignment due dates. Please keep in mind that some due dates may appear for items submitted in class. Please check PowerSchool or with your child's teacher if you any question regarding whether an assignment was turned in or not. Parents also have the ability to email their child's teacher(s) in Schoology.
Private Access Only:
When inside a Course, you will see curriculum resources on the left side bar. Parents will not be able to access these resources through their account. Instead a “Private Access Only’ message will appear. If you receive this message, simply navigate back to your child’s account by clicking the back button on your browser or by clicking on the ‘Return home’ button in this message.
Redirect Notice:
Unable to Open Your Child's Google Drive or OneDrive Assignments from Your Parent Account:
A parent account is 'View Only' so you can view your child's calendar of events, due dates, assignment descriptions, and Course materials. Since Google Assignments and OneDrive Assignments are linked specifically to your child's account, a parent will not be able to open the resource.
Schoology Mobile App Errors
Schoology Email/Messages Being Cut Off:
When sending a longer Schoology email/message through the Schoology App, you may notice that the message is being cut off, and will not show the full message inside of Schoology. The teacher will see the only the part of the message that is displayed in Schoology, but when the teacher opens their message inside their email account, they will be able to view the entire message. If sending longer emails to a teacher, please log into your parent account on a browser and then send the message.
Unable to Open Google Drive or OneDrive Assignments/Resources:
Since Google and OneDrive are a third party app, you may not be able to open these resources through the Schoology App. Instead, access your Schoology account on an internet browser. Since Google Assignments and OneDrive Assignments are linked specifically to your child's account, a parent will not be able to open these resources.