Adding Content
in Schoology
Adding Content
- Within a Course, Add Materials and select “Add File/Link/External Tool” from the dropdown.
- Select External Tool.
- Choose your Infobase Learning Cloud tool (or whatever name you gave) in the Tool Provider dropdown.
- Give the assignment a name and
determine whether you want to apply
grading* (all items with Custom should remain,
including URL). Submit.
- Click on the newly created assignment title in your course.
- You will be presented with the Infobase Learning Cloud search box. Enter
keywords of what you want to add and search.
- Select a series or Learning Module to add using the blue + Content button.
- Choose which specific learning
resources and/or assessments to add; all learning resources and assessments are
automatically selected. Deselect each content type all at once by unchecking
the boxes at the very top and/or go through to make individual item changes.
Once you are happy with your
selections, click ‘Submit.
- Go Back to Course and add further content as desired.
*GRADING: If assessments are added along with videos a grade will not appear in the gradebook until all vides have been launched and all assessments have been completed. Once everything is completed, the gradebook will populate with the average score of the assessments taken. Grading works the same if assessments are added individually. The gradebook will not populate until all assessments have been completed, and the grade reflected will be their average score for all assessments added to that assignment.
Please enjoy!