Discovery Education - Schoology Integration

Access Discovery Education 

Once your district has integrated Schoology with Discovery Education, you will find a Discovery Education option in the menu bar from any course in Schoology.


Clicking Discovery Education from the menu will open a window to access Discovery Education. From here, you can search for resources, access channels, and explore products your district has access to. While exploring Discovery Education from this window, you can assign resources (inside Discovery Education), share resources, and engage with Discovery Education as you would from its own window. If you assign students resources through this window, they will not appear in Schoology, but will appear within Discovery Education’s assignments.

Embed Resources in Schoology Materials

Discovery Education resources, such as videos, images, audio, text, and more, can be embedded into Schoology materials. 

To add a Discovery Education resource as a Schoology Material:

  1. Select Materials from the left menu bar to open up the materials for a course.
  2. If desired, create any folders needed. 
  3. Click Add Materials, then select Discovery Education.
  4. Click Search Resources.
  5. Use the search box in the upper right corner to type in a keyword for your search. A page of search results will open. These can be filtered to narrow down the resources.
  6. Click on the resource to view it. Click Back in the upper left corner to go back to the search results.
  7. From the Search Results page, once you find a resource you want to use for the assignment, click +Embed. The resource will appear in the list of materials.

Once a resource has been added to the Materials list, click the gear next to the material to edit the grading features and due dates. 


Because the resource is embedded in a Schoology material and grading is turned on, grades work like any other Schoology assignment a teacher would create. Students would engage with the Discovery Education resource and complete the Schoology assignment as directed by the teacher. The teacher would grade the Schoology assignment like any other assignment. 

Share Studio Boards & Slideshows

Within Studio, teachers can create boards (digital posters) and slideshows (digital presentations). Within each type, teachers can also chose to include quiz modules or not. All Studio projects must be created within the Discovery Education platform (either via the webpage or the embedded access within Schoology.) Learn more about Studio

Studio boards or slideshows without quiz modules can be shared in a Schoology module by copying the Share URL for a Studio project and pasting it into the body of the Schoology material . This places all students on a single board as read-only . Learn more about sharing Studio projects

For board or slideshow to be collaborative, a teacher will need to share within the Discovery Education platform. Teachers generally use Schoology to alert students to log into Discovery Education to access the assignment. Learn more about creating collaborative Studio projects

Alternatively, all Studio projects can be assigned within the Discovery Education platform. A student would select Mark as Complete (if no quiz modules) or Submit Assignment (with quiz modules) in Discovery Education and a teacher could track results in Classrooms.

Embed Studio Quizzes and Assessment Builder Assignments

Studio Quizzes and assignments created in Assessment Builder can be embedded into Schoology materials with options for grade passback. 

To embed a Studio Quiz or Assessment Builder assignments in a Schoology Material:

  1. Select Materials from the left menu bar to open up the materials for a course.
  2. If desired, create any folders needed. 
  3. Click Add Materials, then select Discovery Education.
  4. Click Find Assessments.
  5. Select My Assessments.
  6. Locate the Studio Quiz or Assessment Builder assignment you would like to assign.  
  7. Select +Embed beside the assessment you’d like students to complete.
  8. Once an assessment has been added to the Materials list, click the gear next to the material to edit the grading features and due dates. 

Students will complete the assessment directly in Schoology. Once the assessments are complete, the teacher can view the results in their Schoology gradebook. Assessments with Single or Multiple Selection questions will passback the grade directly into the Gradebook. Assessments with short answer questions must be graded inside the Discovery Education platform. Access the assignment in Classrooms and grade it there. Discovery Education and Schoology have a sync set up to run every 5 minutes. Once an assessment is graded in Discovery Education, it will sync back to the Schoology gradebook in the next sync.

Embed Techbook Assessments

Partners who have any of our Techbook products - Math, Science, Social Studies - have the option to embed Techbook assessments in Schoology with grade passback options. 

To embed Discovery Education Techbook Assessment in a Schoology material:

  1. Select Materials from the left menu bar to open up the materials for a course.
  2. If desired, create any folders needed. 
  3. Click Add Materials, then select Discovery Education.
  4. Click Find Assessments.
  5. Scroll down and select your desired assessment using the filter dropdowns. Select a course and then a concept to drill down to the appropriate assessment.
  6. Select +Embed beside the assessment you’d like students to complete.
  7. Once an assessment has been added to the Materials list, click the gear next to the material to edit the grading features and due dates. 


Students will complete the assessment directly in Schoology. Once the assessments are complete, the teacher can view the results in their Schoology gradebook. Assessments with Single or Multiple Selection questions will passback the grade directly into the Gradebook. Assessments with short answer questions must be graded inside the Discovery Education platform. Access the assignment in Classrooms and grade it there. Discovery Education and Schoology have a sync set up to run every 5 minutes. Once an assessment is graded in Discovery Education, it will sync back to the Schoology gradebook in the next sync. 


Student View

Similar to a teacher, students can access Discovery Education from the menu. From here, students can search for resources, explore virtual field trips, or view any assignments you’ve assigned through Discovery Education. (Note: Assignments assigned through Discovery Education will appear on this screen. Assignments assigned through Schoology will appear in the Materials section of Schoology.)


Students can access Materials from the left menu bar. If the material is a resource and the student is logged into Discovery Education, it’ll display for the students to interact with the media within the Schoology window. If a Studio project link is shared in Schoology, it will open the board or slideshow in the Discovery Education platform. 


If the assignment includes a Studio Quiz, students can advance the pages/slides as necessary and answer the questions embedded in the board within Schoology. Once they are finished, they can click Submit Assignment


If the material is a Techbook assessment, students will click on Take Assessment when ready and answer the questions. Students use the arrows at the top to move forward and backwards through the questions. From the final question, they can click Submit. The Students Results page will appear to let the students know how they did on the assessment.
