Kaltura - Adding a link to Media Directly Into Schoology


Uploading Videos into Kaltura MediaSpace and Adding the Link into Schoology.

Follow these instructions to upload videos into your Schoology ‘My Media’: 

1. Log into your Microsoft 365 online account and log in using your school username@sau19.org and your normal computer password.



2. Click on the 'SAU19 Resources' tab and click on 'Kaltura MediaSpace'.

3. Click on '+ Add New' from the top left navigation menu and select with video type you want to upload.


4. Add a media file, YouTube video link, or record your own using Kaltura Capture. 

  • For media files, drag the file right into the box, or use the options to attach the file. Check the settings and be sure to select 'Unlisted' for the publishing options, and then click save.  


  • For YouTube Links, paste the link into the box, review the information that appears in the Preview, select 'Unlisted' for the publishing options, and then save. If you are grabbing a link to already saved media, you will need to edit, by clicking the pencil edit icon next to the video, clicking on the publish tab, select 'Unlisted', then save. Once you go back to the media, you can follow the steps below.


  • To record a video, click on ‘Kaltura Capture’. 

5. Click on your profile name in the upper left-hand corner and select 'My Media'.

6. Click on the video you want to share in Schoology.
7. Click on the 'Share' tab and copy the link. ***Do Not select Embed or Email

8. Log in to Schoology and click on your Course.

9. Click ‘Add Materials’ and select ‘Add File/Link/External Tool’ from the left-hand side of the ‘Add Materials’ menu. 

10. Click on 'Link'.
11. Paste the video link, title the video, and click on the 'ABC' icon to change it to 'Display in new Window'. Then click add.
Your video will now be embedded as a video link that will be playable in all browsers.

*Please note that if you are adding a link to a Kaltura video quiz, once students click on the link, they will need to log into Kaltura MediaSpace in the top-right using their school username and password for the analytics of the quiz to be recorded.