Teachers can view four reports in Math & You to analyze student data. To view these reports, please follow these directions:
- Gradebook: Provides an overview of class/student performance, completion status for assignments, and learning objects across all courses.
- Item Analysis Report: Shows the distribution of responses for each question in an assessment
- Grade and Comment: Allows teachers to evaluate and score each student's submission for open-ended questions of an assessment.
- Lesson Progress Report: Provides a summary of the class's progress and performance through the activities and exercises of a lesson.
View Gradebook: Entire Class
1. After accessing Math & You through Schoology, click on your profile icon in the top right corner (circle with your initials) and then select 'Gradebook' from the drop-down menu.
2. Select 'Class' to generate 'Gradebook' report
3. View the report for courses assigned to the class.
*The report can be filtered by status and a specific student can be searched for using the search bar
*Not Scored: for courses that have been completed by the student but contain graded content that needs to be evaluated by a teacher.
*Overall Score: for courses that have been completed by the student and have been fully evaluated.
4. Select the name of the course
5. View the report for assignments within the selected course
View Gradebook: Individual Student
1. Select a student's name from the gradebook.
2. View the gradebook for selected student.
3. Select a course name from the gradebook.
4. View the gradebook for all assignments assigned to the student for the selected course.
5. Select an assignment from the gradebook.
6. View the student's responses and teacher feedback for the assignment.
View: Item Analysis Report
1. Select 'ITEM ANALYSIS REPORT' from the Profile menu in the global navigation.
2. Choose a Course, Class, and Assignment and select 'GO'.
3. View the item analysis report.
The summary in the report shows the:
- Count of students that have attempted the assignment of the total number of students assigned the assignment.
- Counts of system-graded vs. teacher-graded questions in the assignment.
- Total possible points that can be scored.
- Highest score achieved by a student.
- Lowest score a student has received.
- Average score of all the students that have attempted the assignment.
4. Select the 'By Question' tab of the report.
The report lists all the questions in the selected assignment, along with the:
- Type of each question.
- Average time spent by students on each question.
- Average score achieved by students for each question.
- Percentage of students who answered each question correctly.
- Percentage of students who answered each question incorrectly.
- Percentage of students who answered each question partially correctly.
- Percentage of students who skipped each question.
- Visual representation of the correct, incorrect, partially correct and skipped percentages for each question.
*Only the score and time spent will be displayed for teacher-graded questions.
5. Select the 'By Student' tab of the report and select the 'View Responses' option for a student. The option will be disabled for students that have not attempted the assignment.
6. View the student’s responses and teacher feedback for the assignment.
Evaluate and Comment
Click on your profile icon in the top right corner (circle with your initials) and then select 'GRADE AND COMMENT' from the drop-down menu OR select 'GRADE AND COMMENT' for an assignment in the 'Assignments' tab of the Dashboard.
There are 2 methods of evaluation:
- Method 1: Evaluate by Student
1. Select the 'By Student' tab, choose a Class, Course, Assignment, or Free Exploration and select 'SHOW RESULTS'.
2. View a list of the names of students in the class that have attempted the assignment and select the 'Evaluate' option for each student.
3. View the student’s responses to the question.
- Select 'Show All' to see all pending and evaluated responses
- Select 'Show only Pending Evaluation' to see only responses pending evaluation,
- Select 'Show only Evaluated' to see only evaluated responses.
- Select 'Show only Manually Graded' to see responses for teacher-graded questions. Use the carousel to switch between students.
4. For student responses to teacher-graded questions with rubrics attached, add scores using the rubric, and select 'SUBMIT POINTS' to save the scores. For teacher-graded questions without rubrics attached, manually add a score out of the maximum points.
Add a comment and select 'SUBMIT COMMENT' to submit the comment or 'DISCARD COMMENT' to remove the comment.
Select 'POP OUT RESPONSE' to view the comment. Select 'SHOW EXEMPLAR RESPONSE' to view the attached sample response. This option will not be available if there is no exemplar response attached.
*For system-graded questions, student’s responses will be displayed in read-only format.
- Method 2: Evaluate by Content
1. Select the 'By Content' tab, choose a Class, Course, Assignment, or Free Exploration and select 'SHOW RESULTS'.
2. View a list of the questions in the assignment along with the number of total submissions and the number of evaluations pending for each question. Select the 'Evaluate' option for each question. Select 'Show Only Pending Evaluation' to see only the list of questions with evaluations pending.
3. View the student’s responses to the question.
- Select 'Show All' to see all pending and evaluated responses.
- Select 'Show only Pending Evaluation' to see only responses pending evaluation.
- Select 'Show only Evaluated' to see only evaluated responses.
- Select 'Show only Manually Graded' to see responses for teacher-graded questions.
*Use the carousel to switch between students. Select 'JUMP TO A QUESTION' or use the navigation buttons to switch between questions. Select 'ADD GENERAL COMMENT' to add a comment for the assignment.
4. For student responses to teacher-graded questions with rubrics attached, add scores using the rubric, and select 'SUBMIT POINTS' to save the scores. For teacher-graded questions without rubrics attached, manually add a score out of the maximum points.
*Add a comment and select 'SUBMIT COMMENT' to submit the comment or 'DISCARD COMMENT' to remove the comment.
*Select 'POP OUT RESPONSE' to view the comment. Select 'SHOW EXEMPLAR RESPONSE' to view the attached sample response. This option will not be available if there is no exemplar response attached.
View: Lesson Progress Report
1. Expand a lesson in the 'Learning Path' and select 'PROGRESS REPORT'.
2. View the lesson progress report.
*The report shows the overall percentage of all questions in the activities of the lesson that are being answered correctly by students that have attempted them.
*Based on the ranges specified, the percentage of students falling into the Emerging, Proficient and Advanced categories is displayed.
*The roster of the students in the class is displayed along with their proficiency. The student’s names will not be clickable until a specific activity is selected.
*A list of activities in the lesson is displayed along with the percentage of questions in the activity (learning object) being answered correctly, the number of questions answered out of the total items in the activity, and the number of students that have answered those questions.
*Select the 'REFRESH' button to reload the report with the latest data.
*Use the dropdown to navigate to a particular section of the lesson. When a particular section is selected, use the reset option to go back to the default of All sections.
3. Select the name of an activity (learning object).
4. View the report for the exercises (questions) within the selected activity
*The report will show all the same information but with the list of activities replaced by a list of exercises within the selected activity.
*A list of exercises (questions) in the selected activity is displayed along with the percentage of students answering the exercise correctly and the number of students that have answered that exercise. Select the back button to return to the list of activities. The list of questions within a grouped question will be listed individually.
*Select the 'REFRESH' button to reload the report with the latest data.
*Use the dropdown to navigate to a particular section of the lesson. The section that the selected activity belongs to will be selected by default. When a particular section is selected, use the reset option to go back to the default of All sections.
5. Select a prompt from the list of exercises to view each student’s response to the exercise. Use the dropdown to jump to a particular exercise. Use the back button to return to the report.
6. Select the name of a student from the roster to view the student's responses for the exercises in the selected activity. Use the dropdown to switch between students.