Utilizing Knowt (GHS)

Knowt is an AI-powered study app that helps students with homework, lectures, and classwork. Educators in grades 9-12 can make flashcards and summarized notes for students to study from. This is a great alternate to Quizlet and educators can easily transfer their existing Quizlet into Knowt for free. For directions on how to use Knowt, please follow these directions:

1. Log into Schoology.
2. Click into one of your Courses and then click on 'Knowt' on the left side bar. 

3. When the Knowt window opens, click on 'Login' in the top right-hand side of your screen.

4. Select 'Continue with Google'.

5. Use you SAU19 Google account to log in (do not use a personal Google account).
6. Answer all prompts to create your account. 
*Please Note: We do have a DPA (Data Privacy Agreement) signed for this resource, therefore, it is ok to enter your birthday and other information it will prompt you to provide.

Once your account is created, you can begin uploading or creating new materials.
1. Click the plus sign icon in the top right near your profile image.

2. Select whether you want to create 'Notes', 'Flashcards', or whether you want to import resources.

Import from Quizlet: 
For information on importing your Quizlet resources into Knowt, click this link and scroll to the section titles, "On the Knowt Website": How to Import from Quizlet to Knowt – Knowt

Creating and Editing Flashcards: 
For information on how to create and edit flashcards, please click this link: How to create and edit flashcards – Knowt  

Sharing Flashcards: 
For information on how to share your flashcards, please click this link: How to share your flashcards – Knowt

Merging Flashcards: 
For information on how to merge your flashcards, please click this link: How to merge flashcard sets – Knowt

Using AI for your Flashcards: 
For information on how to use AI for your flashcards, please click this link: How to use AI for your flashcards – Knowt

Exporting Flashcards: 
For information on how to export your flashcards, please click this link: How to export your flashcards – Knowt

Duplicating Flashcards: 
For information on how to duplicate your flashcards, please click this link: How to duplicate your flashcards – Knowt

Creating and Editing Notes: 
For information on how to create and edit notes, please click this link: How to create and edit notes – Knowt

Sharing Notes: 
For information on how to share notes, please click this link: How to share your notes – Knowt

Recovering Deleted Notes: 
For information on how to recover deleted notes, please click this link: How to recover deleted notes – Knowt

Using AI for your Notes: 
For information on how to use AI for your notes, please click this link: How to use AI for your notes – Knowt

Creating Flashcards from your Notes: 
For information on how to create flashcards from your notes, please click this link: How to create flashcards from your notes – Knowt

Taking a Practice Test from your Notes: 
For information on how to take a practice test from your notes, please click this link: Taking a Practice Test from your notes – Knowt

Organize Resources into Folders: 
For information on how to organize resources into folders, please click this link: How to move items into folders – Knowt