Accessing PowerTeacher Pro:
1. Log into PowerSchool (Teacher).
2. Click on the 'PowerTeacher Pro' on the left side bar.
Setting Up Formative Assignments:
1. Click the plus + icon and select Assignment from the drop-down menu.
2. Under the Assignment tab, select the classes to add the assignment to, title the assignment, select one of the Formative categories, select a Due Date, and add a Description.
Please Note: All Formative and Summative Assignments must say 'Collected Only' for the Score Type since they are not being graded with a Traditional Grade.
3. Educators can add standards to Formative assignments for record purposes, however, if standards are attached, then they should not be graded. Under the Standards tab, select the standards that are evaluated with the assignment. Be sure that the checkmarks to both the left and the right of the selected standards are checked.
4. Save the assignment.
You have set up your Formative assignment in PowerTeacher Pro.
Setting Up Summative Assignments:
1. Click the plus + icon and select Assignment from the drop-down menu.
2. Under the Assignment tab, select the classes to add the assignment to, title the assignment, select one of the Summative categories, select a Due Date, and add a Description.
Please Note: All Formative and Summative Assignments must say 'Collected Only' for the Score Type since they are not being graded with a Traditional Grade.
3. Educators will add standards to Summative assignments. Under the Standards tab, select the standards that are evaluated with the assignment. Be sure that the checkmarks to both the left and the right of the selected standards are checked.
4. Save the assignment.
You have set up your Summative assignment in PowerTeacher Pro.