Viewing Standards-Based Grades in PowerSchool (Parent Accounts)

Parents of students who have Standards-Based grades can view their Standards scores in PowerSchool. To view assignments and scored standards, please follow these directions:

Viewing Standards via an Internet Browser 

Log into your PowerSchool parent account on an internet browser. On the main landing page you will be able to switch among your children. You will also see a link to the New Hampshire State Assessment Family Portal along with the Student Access Code to view your child's scores on state assessments. These are taking in the spring. Under that, you will see the Schoology Parent Access Code and a link to Schoology. This is the code you need to create or add this child to your Schoology Parent Account. 

Please Note: These codes are specific to the child you are viewing.

Grades 5-6 Viewing Standards Attached to Assignments:

1. The first page should be the Grades and Attendance screen (if not, click on the Grades and Attendance tab), you will see an (i) in any Trimester column that has assignments and standards added.


2. Click on the (i), which stands for information.

3. The next page will list all Formative and Summative assignments that have been added so far. Formatives may or may not have standards attached to them, but standards attached to Formative assignments will not be scored. Summative assignments will have scored standards.

4. To view standards information and scores, click the drop-down arrow on the blue graph icons. You will now be able to see all the standards attached to assignments, as well as any scores received. 

You may also notice other icons indicating important information about the assignment such as: Collected, Late, Missing, Exempt from Final Grade, Absent, and Incomplete.

5. If a teacher added a comment, you would see a comment icon as well as the word View in the last column. Click on it and you can view the comment.

Grades K-6 Viewing Overall Standards Scores:

1. Click on the Standards tab.

2. Click the drop-down arrow for the class(es) you want to view the standards scores for. You will see any standards that have been scored to that point and the calculated score that has been received.

Please Note: Grades K-4 will only have scores entered at the end of each trimester. No scores will be in PowerSchool until then.

Viewing Standards via the PowerSchool Mobile App

Please Note: Parents can view the overall standard scores in the PowerSchool Mobile App but will not be able to see scores on individual Summative assignments. Parents will need to log into PowerSchool on an internet browser to view these details.

To view the overall standard score for each class:
1. Log into the PowerSchool Mobile App and in the upper right-hand corner, click the profile drop-down arrow to select a child to review. A checkmark will appear to the right of the child you selected.
2. On the Dashboard, you will see tiles for all the classes your child is enrolled in. Click on a class you want to view the standards scores for.
3. At the top you will see the class and teacher's name. Click the Assignments tab to view the assignments the teacher has entered into PowerSchool (Grades 5-6 only). Please Note: Parents will not be able to view standards scores given to specific assignments. This is only viewable if logged into PowerSchool on an internet browser.
4. Click on the Standards tab to view the current overall standards scores. If you click on a specific standard, you will be able to view the details for the standard.
Attached Files
Viewing Standards-Based Grades in PowerSchool (Parent Accounts).pdf