Grading Standards in PowerTeacher Pro (Grades K - 3)

Educators in Grades K - 3 will be grading standards in PowerTeacher Pro. To Grade standards, please follow these directions:

Accessing PowerTeacher Pro:

1. Log into PowerSchool (Teacher).
2. Click on the PowerTeacher Pro on the left side bar.

Grading Standards from the Class View:

1. Click on Grading on the left side bar and then click on Standards from the menu.

Here you will see a screen with your selected class list and the standards related to that class.

You can toggle between classes by clicking the drop-down menu in the top middle of the screen.

*Please Note: All behavior standards and report card comments will be scored in your homeroom class. All other subject standards will be scored in the respective classes. Unified Arts teachers will not have a Homeroom and will not be adding comments for students in PowerTeacher Pro.
2. Leave the trimester column blank. This column can be used for reference to be sure you are scoring in the right trimester. You can also verify the trimester in the top left next to Grades: Standards, under the Class Grade, and in the top right in the trimester drop-down menu.

3. For Homeroom, you will see then see a column for your school and grade (Goffstown will be GF and New Boston will be NB). This column will display a little comment icon in the title to show that this is the column to enter your report card comment into. Click into a cell in this column.
4. Click on the Comment icon to see a larger text field to enter your report card comment into. You will also see in the top of the screen that it states Comment Only to indicate this is a comment column. Type your comment here. You can also paste in a comment that you may have pre typed into a word processing document. Save after each comment.
5. You can change to the next student for comment entry by clicking on the down arrow next to the student's name or by clicking into the correct cell on the screen.
6. To grade standards, click into a cell under a standard. The standard description will be visible at the top of the screen. You can also hover over the standards header to see a pop-up window with the description.

7. Enter the corresponding numerical performance indicator you wish the score for that standard for the selected student. Remember to save often as you enter scores for standards.

8. If you are trying to score a standard, but only see a comment screen, click the score pad icon to get back to the screen where you can add numerical values.

9. If you want to enter N/A then click Codes and select N/A.

When entering scores, a triangle will appear in that cell. This is normal and just indicates that you have manually entered a score for that standard instead of having scored standards on assignments calculate the score.

10. If you wish to enter that same performance indicator for that standard for multiple students, you can click the Fill vertical button and then edit any scores that need to be a different number.
11. If you wish to enter that performance indicator score across all standards for the selected student and then just edit the standards that need to be a different score, then use click the Fill horizontal button.

You can use the left/right arrow to navigate through the standards without closing the Score Inspector screen. 

*Always save your work as you go to avoid losing your progress.
12. Repeat this process for all standards in this class. Then select the next subject level or class and enter scores for the corresponding standards.
*Please Note: If you see an arrow at the end of the page, it indicates that there more standards on the next page.

Grading Standards for an Individual Student:

1. Select a class you want to enter standards for from the drop-down menu in the top middle of the screen.

2. Click on Students from the left side bar and then click on a student from the student list.

*Please Note: This screen has a slightly different process for where you enter things than it did on the screen where you grade a class.
3. Click into the trimester cell for the standards you want to score and enter the performance indicator into the Score Inspector. To enter N/A click Codes and select N/A.

*Please Note: You will not be entering a comment into the Comment field on this view.
4. Repeat this step for all the standards you are scoring.
5. Repeat these steps for all students you want to score.

Accessing PowerSchool Student Information in PowerTeacher Pro:

1. Click on Students from the left side menu.
2. Select the PowerSchool screen you wish to access.

Switching Back to PowerSchool from PowerTeacher Pro:

Click on the PowerTeacher Pro icon in the top left-hand side and you will be taken back to PowerSchool.

Adjusting the Viewing Size of PowerTeacher Pro Standards:

If you need to adjust the viewing size of the standards in PowerTeacher Pro, click on your profile image or initials in the upper right-hand corner and select the size you want. Large is the recommended setting.

Signing Out:

When you are done with using PowerTeacher Pro, please remember to sign out. Click your profile image or initials in the upper right-hand corner and select Sign Out

Attached Files
Grading Standards in PowerTeacher Pro (Grades K - 3).pdf